Contrary to the weather we have been experiencing lately, Spring is, in fact, here! While we may not be experiencing the constant warmth that comes with Spring, it is a good idea to start to get your yard ready. If you missed your Fall cleanup, you will defiantly need a Spring cleanup. Below are a few ways you can get your yard prepared for the upcoming warmer weather!

If you didn’t get a Fall cleanup, your yard is going to be filled with a summers worth of leaves. They are going to be heavy and wet and difficult to get together. You can use them for compost or just bag them and drop them off at the dump.

Along with the leaves, there will most likely be a lot of sticks, twigs and maybe even branches laying around. To prevent them from rotting, gather these as soon as possible and dispose of them.

Thatch is the dead, grassy layer that is collected between healthy grass and the soil. When you remove the thatch, it allows your lawn to get a good beginning and expose it more to water, sun and oxygen. You’ll want to do dethatching before your mow in the Spring.

Next, you’ll want to aerate your lawn and then seed your lawn. You can either purchase an aerator or have a professional take care of this for you.

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While you can perform your Spring cleanup yourself, we recommend hiring a professional landscaping company to take care of it for you! Schedule your Spring cleanup today or other services by contacting Done Right Landscape at 781-858-8000 or by filling out our online form.