Winter Maintenance Checklist for Your Yard

As winter goes on, it can cause a range of problems for your yard. Things can get complicated quickly, from the inevitable snow to freezing temperatures. However, this doesn’t have to be the case if you take some simple preventive steps and follow a winter maintenance checklist. While many homeowners tend to neglect their yards during cold weather, you can protect yours from damage with these helpful tips.

Prepare Your Lawn

To make sure your lawn survives the winter months, it is essential to mow it one last time before temperatures begin to drop. This will help maintain proper grass length and maximize sunlight exposure even during colder months. Additionally, any fallen leaves should be removed as they can lead to fungal growth or other issues that could kill off parts or all of your lawn come springtime.

Prune Trees & Shrubs

If you want your yard’s trees and shrubs to look their best in the springtime, now’s the time to prune them. Removing any dead branches or foliage now will ensure that only healthy green growth returns next spring when warmer temperatures return. Adding mulch around these plants is also recommended to help keep moisture levels steady over the long winter months.

Bring Inside Anything Fragile

For those decorations and furniture pieces on your patio or patio area – bring them inside! Even if they seem strong enough at first glance, there’s nothing worse than spending money on something that simply crumbles away due to poor storage in harsh weather conditions. A garage or shed is perfect for storing most items; however, remember to remove batteries from any items dependent on them (such as outdoor lights) while they are being stored indoors.

Protect Vegetable Pots & Containers

Vegetable pots and containers are particularly vulnerable in colder months due to depleting warmth levels that cause soil fertility to drop off drastically – killing off whatever was growing in them until then. To prevent this, just cover these pots with hay/straw and store them inside or under shelter so they don’t succumb to frostbite over prolonged periods of severe cold weather.

Stay On Top Of Snow Removal

Snowfall amounts vary across regions; however, it pays off big-time if you keep up with clearing pathways after each fresh layer of snow falls overnight (or during the daytime). Not only does this provide a safe way for family members of visitors, but it also minimizes salt damage when done properly via shoveling/brushing, followed by salting where necessary.

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Landscape Dream To Life

Following these straightforward steps helps ensure that your yard looks great even during increasingly extreme weather conditions – but you can always call in Done Right Landscape for assistance with any larger-scale maintenance tasks you may need to tackle this season. Done Right Landscape can assist with all requirements, from emergency repairs to routine gardening services.